Monday, October 27, 2008

join Mom Culture and kiddywampus at the Walker

Here's an organization we love...Mom Culture offers moms and dads a variety of parent-oriented daytime arts + entertainment events that are intended to be shared with children .
On Nov. 18 join Mom Culture's private tour of the Walker Art Center's "Eero Saarinen: Shaping the Future" -- you'll gain insight about this iconic figure and his impact through design.

And kiddywampus is proud to partner with Mom Culture and Abrakadoodle to create a Kid Culture Art Class for kids age 2-5 that will take place while parents tour the Saarinen show. The class will be held in the Walker's art lab. Parents who opt to sign their kids up for this class will drop them off prior to taking the Saarinen tour and pick the kids up immediately after the tour (appx. 45 minutes), before heading up to Gallery 8 Cafe for lunch.

Sunday, October 19, 2008

the secret parent handshake

The other day a toddler at kiddywampus threw a tantrum – the kind of awe-inspiring, full-body kicking on the floor followed by a quick boneless move accompanied by an ear-piercing banshee scream only a toddler body could produce. The toddler experts would have given her a perfect score with bonus points for endurance. The Mom went from embarrassed to irritated to overwhelmed to mortified. She had Had It, and the day was young.

And this is where we parents need the Secret Handshake.

I looked at that Mom and there were a million things I wanted to tell her. I wanted to give her a big hug, a cup of coffee, magically soothe her darling and then whisper, “Honey, I have 3 kids and could tell you stories of tantrums no new Mom should ever hear. Of trips to Target – where the aisles and checkouts are virtually empty until I say No to the princess boo boo patches and suddenly the sky starts raining customers, all of whom are looking at me like I’m the Worst Mom On The Planet and I wish I could melt into the floor but I’m not giving in because now my back is up too and I will never buy a princess boo boo patch in my life. Ever.”

I want to tell her, “I have been where you are right now, and you’re doing a great job, so you hang in there because in 14 years when our dearests ask for the car keys we’ll wish to be back here in this moment where we can keep them safe right beside us.” I want to say, “Don’t apologize for her wailing on the floor because we’re all in this together. And the next time you are out shopping and hear a wail look over because it will probably be me with my darlings, in the princess boo boo patch aisle.” But I really can’t talk over the screaming – so I grin, give her my best “we’ve all been there” shrug, and hope somehow she can read my mind.

We really need the Handshake.

Thursday, October 2, 2008

disco fever!

Here's a shout out to the best kids' party in the Twin Cities taking place this Sat. If you've never gone, give it a try...I took my 3 year old last fall and couldn't get him to leave after almost two hours of hurling himself across the dance floor. I'm not sure what was more fun...watching him groove it out or sharing music I love with him. He collapsed in the car on the way home and barely woke up until the next morning. If he sees a sign for another party, he immediately breaks out his best moves. I've created a dancin' machine.

In keeping with the disco theme, imagine my personal nirvana when I came across this little delight -- a solar powered disco ball that adheres to a window with a suction cup that can be easily moved (as the sun moves, perhaps?). We've been testing this out in our store for about two weeks now and it makes me happy every time I see it. And in direct sunlight, it turns our retail space into a disco inferno. Now we just need the music.

help for lunchboxes everywhere

I want to believe that since my kids pack lunches they're eating good food at school. And here it is, only October and the pressure of packing healthy food that looks and tastes great is already getting to me. I'm convinced this book will be the answer to my prayers...or at least, will give me some new ideas for the long school year and hundreds of lunches ahead.
Any tips for great lunch box meals your kids adore...or, rather, will eat on a regular basis?